Wellness Holds Power

Here Is How You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever

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You might be wondering how you can make 2020 your best year ever. No doubt, there is something about the start of a new year that makes life more exciting. If you are like me, the new year is a time to assess, make changes, and improve upon what didn’t go exactly as planned last year.

There’s nothing like a fresh start. Another chance to get it right. If I haven’t achieved a goal I set at the start of the year, I am never discouraged from starting all over again when the new year rolls around.  

Although you cannot control every aspect of life, like any external circumstances, you can control your inner world. Knowing the future can be whatever you want it to be gives you some measure of control over what happens for you. 

What if I told you there is only one thing you need to do in order to accomplish any goal you want to achieve and make 2020 your best year ever? You have had the ability to utilize to your advantage this one thing your entire life.

Do I have your attention now? Awesome! Please allow me to break this down for you.

Just How Can You Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever?

Let’s start with what we all know is a common goal: weight loss. 

While weight loss is a great goal. But it’s not very specific, and I’m not referring to a number on the scale. Without being specific, you actually set yourself up for not following through with what you ultimately want for yourself. Why? The main reason is that losing weight is only a piece of the goal-setting puzzle. 

Let’s face it when trying to lose weight, it’s like any other journey. There is a beginning, middle, and an end. 

Think of having weight loss as a goal like your reward for the effort you put out. If it’s easier to think of it in business terms, weight loss can be considered the result you want, or the return on the investment you make in yourself (ROI). 

But Robin, what’s the investment? I’m so glad you asked.

In setting goals, you are more likely to achieve them if you start with the end in mind but work backward from there. So, if you want to know how you can make 2020 your best year ever, start with what you want to achieve (the result). Then think about your plan to accomplish the goal (the investment). 

Let Your Emotions Decide For You This Year

I’m speaking from my own experience here, so you’ll have to trust me. In the area of weight loss, the foundation begins with your health. And, for the record, when I say “health”, I not only mean your physical health but also your emotional and spiritual health. 

After all, being at a healthy weight is definitely a component of “wellness” which encompasses the body, mind, and spirit. In this context, if you think of the goal of weight loss as an investment in your overall health and wellness, the focus is more on how you want to feel, and less about the external result which is what most people focus on.

If you take a minute to think about it, any goal you really want to achieve is because you desire the feeling that you think the goal will bring. According to my absolute favorite Life Coach Brooke Castillo, feelings are everything because they drive our actions like nothing else. 

It really isn’t so complicated. Now, I may or may not be talking about myself here, but think about a person who eats when they are stressed, anxious or bored. When you take certain actions that either get you closer to your goals or further away from them, hands down it’s your emotions or feelings that are driving you to act. 

You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever By Controlling Your Thoughts

The best news? We have complete control over our feelings because they are directly caused by our thoughts. Do you know what this means? Well, it’s simple. If you really want to know how you can make 2020 your best year ever, you must change what you are thinking about! Doing so will change the way you feel, and your feelings will cause your actions which will change your results.

Yes, you actually have control over your thoughts. Fascinating, I know! 

Here Is How You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever
Here Is How You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever

So back to the weight loss goal example. Using the work backward from the results approach, your actions are based on how you want to feel. 

In this example, I’ll keep the concept simple and easy. It’s January now, so if weight loss is your goal for 2020, your initial action to help achieve this goal might be drinking 16oz of lemon water 3 times per day (or at breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Why? Because in your case, you want to feel more alert and less bloated. 

If you do this continuously (in other words make it a habit), you build confidence because you have kept your word to yourself. Going forward, what you have to do is continue to take action based on how you want to feel and you will see the results you want. Even the smallest simplest actions count. 

I have to warn you, there is a lot of checking in with yourself when you go about making changes in your life this way. You can’t plan out your goal achievement strategy and slay it by checking out mentally. It helps to prep yourself for goal achievement success by having a “no matter what attitude”. 

I know for a fact this theory works. A couple of years ago, I set out to lose a significant amount of weight knowing I couldn’t use the same old watered-down approach the majority of the world uses. 

Current Circumstances Are Neutral

The trick to getting started with this strategy is to ignore the current circumstances once you have decided that you’re just not living your best life. The reason why is because of the current circumstances that you live with is the result of your past thoughts, feelings, and actions. They are what they are. 

It does not serve you to fixate on current circumstances, the cause of which is in the past and cannot be changed. 

Test This Theory For Yourself

Putting in the effort to achieve a goal isn’t easy. But it’s worth it when you embrace the inner thought work and approach it from the standpoint of investing in yourself. Start at the end, and work backward, and plan your actions based on how you want to feel.

This strategy is so valuable because it can be applied to any goal. However, if weight loss is your goal, think about the current state of your health and how you feel right now. Then think into the future, maybe 2 months, 4 months, or 6 months into this year, and visualize the way you want to feel.

See yourself feeling amazing, proud, and confident because you’ve made some simple, healthy changes that are sustainable.


Remember the future can be whatever you want it to be. If you want to make 2020 your best year ever, you don’t have to settle for the status quo. The power to change directly correlates to your thoughts, your feelings and the actions you take to achieve your goals. 

Do you like setting yearly goals? Can you think of any special tips or tricks on how you can make 2020 your best year ever?

I would love to hear from you in the comments!



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4 thoughts on “Here Is How You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever”

  1. Great article! Thanks for sharing! I love setting goals and I usually break them down in smaller ones as well! The biggest challenge is to keep yourself accountable so I chose to do a group challenge on my blog this year! You should join!

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