What Does Getting Back To Normal Life Look Like

Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss

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The burning question asked by everyone who is unemployed is what does getting back to normal life after a job loss look like? Getting back to normal life is a great ideal to strive for. But, it’s an ideal that none of us are sure exists as we continue to navigate this public health crisis. 

The future we didn’t plan for 6 months ago is happening right now. The good old days of working at our jobs and pre-social distancing life are still so fresh in our minds. I still vividly remember what normal life felt like, and this doesn’t even come close. Life as we’ve known it has changed.

Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss By Learning From The Past

If dredging up the past feels futile, it isn’t. It may feel like you’re bringing another rain cloud into the thunderstorm you’re getting soaked in, but there’s a reason to look back. You can take all the value from your work life and summarize it for the purposes of elevating your career or, even better, starting a side hustle while you’re job hunting. 

This temporary hiatus from work can be the blessing in disguise that you need to uplevel your career, consult, teach a skill, or sell services. It’s really up to you to decide what getting back to normal life after a job loss can look like. You can make the next season of your work-life represent the best time in your career. 

What I know for sure is planning for the future means preparing for readiness even if it’s only  for your next job. For that to happen, you need to figure out what direction you want to take your career. Then, research what qualifications you will need. 

Perhaps you can start taking some online courses? Whatever you have to do to get prepared for opportunities that may come your way, there won’t be a better time than right now.  

Our New Interim Normal

Getting back to normal after a job loss will look different for everyone. The world is still working on our new interim normal because our present is still fluid and changing all the time.

If you aren’t ready to decide on a permanent work situation in this uncertain job market, look for opportunities to work as a contracted employee. This way you can still work on your side hustle and still bring in some income. Continue to educate yourself because your work life is going to continue to evolve.

There hasn’t been a major life change for us since 9/11/11. I remember feeling anxious just being outside, or on the train going to work. Just as life changed after 9/11/11, we can’t go back to what life was like before 2020. Why? You didn’t know then what you know now.

We’re living in a new era and what normal life will look like is still to be determined. When I think back 6 months ago, life felt almost carefree compared to today. Since we don’t know what the foreseeable future holds, keeping ourselves healthy mentally, emotionally, and physically is the priority. Adapting to our environment and staying safe is critical in order to survive and thrive right now.

Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss Is Not A Time To Sit Idle

The public health crisis has slowed life down and made us all realize how fragile life is. Our economic vulnerability seems just as obvious. What does getting back normal life look like after a job loss? For one thing, it isn’t you sitting around waiting to see where the chips fall. Remember, what we’re all experiencing now is our new normal.

Opportunities aren’t going to fall out of the sky all neat and pretty. If you were complacent in your job prior to this year, that all needs to change now. Ask yourself if you doing all you can to take better care of yourself and your finances. If your answer is “no” you have work to do, my friend.

We all have an opportunity to create a better life for ourselves even if the world has turned upside down. Hey, there’s no better time than now to figure out what you want your life to look like when life normalizes. Being proactive will get the stress of what’s happening around you off of your mind, and will feel better than doing nothing at all.

Businesses are slowly reopening. While some people have a job to return to, a large percentage of people don’t. People who are immunocompromised may not be able to return to work. This may be an opportunity for you to find a job that you wouldn’t normally apply for. The economy is so unpredictable, any job to pay your bills and put food on the table will do while you’re beefing up your education.

Millions of on-essential employees who are out of work are feeling fear and uncertainty. Job security doesn’t exist (and never has) so, even a temporary income is worth seeking right now. Earning money from working at a place like Costco will pay the same bills and buy the same food as your dream job.

So, what does normal life look like after a job loss? The new normal involves finding creative ways to offset the sting of unemployment, and you do this by taking control of your income.

Don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back from creating the life you want. Sure, look for work, but start working on a plan to diversify your sources of income. Just to clarify, I’m referring to legal sources of income.

Allow the fear of the unknown to motivate you to solve your cash flow problem rather than paralyze you. Seize this opportunity to investigate ways to create multiple income streams.

Reinvent Yourself While Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss

What does getting back to normal life look like after a job loss? You may want to start with reinventing yourself. If your goal is to change the trajectory of your life, invest time into the health of your body, mind, and spirit.

Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss
Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss

Think of what you need to do to become the self-sufficient person you need to be. You want to function at your best so your health should be a priority. The sharper your brain functions, the better you can recognize opportunities to market yourself. 

Improving your health doesn’t take drastic measures. If for you, improving your health means losing weight, the simplest things still work. For starters, drinking more water, eating nutritionally dense foods, getting adequate sleep, and exercise. It means being disciplined but it isn’t rocket science.

Need to get organized? Why not give your body and your home a complete makeover! You can’t solve new problems with old tactics, am I right? Getting back to normal life after a job loss means complete transformation.

We have access to information through the internet that you would have never been privy to decades ago. You can learn anything you want to learn and in some instances, for free. Invest time into reading everything you can put your hands on that inspires you.

You probably already have skills that you have mastered. If what you know can solve a problem for someone, you’re in a position to create an income stream.

The Greek philosopher, Plato said, “necessity is the mother of invention”. There are needs to be met, so what can you do that will help fulfill a need for someone? Zig Ziglar said, “you can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want”.

Sharing your knowledge to help solve problems is the quickest way to add value to the world, get back to normal life, and create an income. You’ll also benefit from learning some basic business skills.

Have Patience No Matter How Long It Takes

Getting back to normal life after a job loss will depend on the decisions you make today and how you spend your time. It took me all of 2017 to lose 100lbs. If I had been impatient, expecting to see immediate changes, I would not have achieved my weight loss goal. 

There is no elevator to success, you have to take the stairs. ~Zig Ziglar

Patience and persistence is the zone you want to live in while you get back to normal life. No matter how slow it feels like you’re going, stay focused, and just don’t stop. Each step you take toward self-sufficiency builds on the previous step.

There’s no failure as long as you stay focused every day. You won’t achieve your goals faster by quitting. Your ability to stay positive and committed to your goals no matter what life is looking like will guarantee your success. 

Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss
Getting Back To Normal Life After A Job Loss

Having patience isn’t easy, but don’t focus on what you see now. Become so future-minded that by the time your goal is a physical reality, it doesn’t come as a surprise.

Your Return On The Time Invested In Learning

We’ve all spent our entire lives absorbing information for our own benefit. Getting back to normal life after a job loss will mean putting more time and value into the world equal to what you’ve gotten from it. Seeing a return on the time you invest in learning should not be rushed.

You’re creating a blueprint for better health and financial stability so enjoy the journey to becoming a different person. To become invaluable after a job loss, you’ll need to keep your eyes, ears, and mind open to new possibilities around you. Ideally, someone will benefit from what you already know, or you can learn different skills to enhance your current expertise.


“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” ~Seneca

Continue to prepare yourself for the future you envision for your life by studying, researching, and staying focused. Getting back to normal life after a job loss will take unwavering dedication.

Recognizing where you can be the answer to someone’s problem happens when you are poised and ready. If you are wasting this unplanned time off by marathon watching Netflix you won’t be ready to step into this next chapter of your life.

You own the power to create your future. Passive action will do nothing but put that power in the hands of someone else. The result means you’ll continue to feel stuck in fear and uncertainty. 

Working on improving your health and educating yourself will prepare you for the next phase of your life. You’ll boost your confidence and equip yourself with more valuable skills – Two major attributes you’ll need whether you want to snag that dream job or create your own economy.

What does getting back to normal life after a job loss look like for you? How are you preparing for your future? 

I want to hear from you in the comments!



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