4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss

4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss

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If you are curious about the 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss and aren’t sure whether they will help you lose weight, you are in the right place. When you are trying to lose weight, it’s inevitable that there will be some rough patches along the journey. Essential oils can have a grounding effect on you if the challenges of losing weight become overwhelming.

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As someone who has lost weight and is now trying to maintain, I’m learning that sometimes you need a fresh approach to weight management. It helps to have a few new tricks up your sleeve to address an old problem and using essential oils for weight loss has proven to be the fresh approach I needed. 

The Benefits Of Using Essential Oils For Weight Loss

When stress is at an all-time high, much like it seems to be nowadays, you need a few strategies to help you stay grounded. Meditation is an awesome weight loss tool and is getting a lot of press lately. Additionally, the benefits of using essential oils for weight loss can also help you accomplish this.

I feel excited to share these 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss that have helped me to sleep better, reduce stress and anxiety levels, and control my appetite. These are all the biggest contributors to my weight issues over the years. 

It wasn’t until I started researching essential oils and their healing properties, did I understand their indirect weight loss benefits. Depending on the essential oil, the benefits can range from analgesia, improving gut health, immune system support, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial support. 

The fact of the matter is, weight loss is that much harder in a body that isn’t functioning optimally. So in short, no matter what your ailment, there’s probably an essential oil to treat it! However, please keep in mind that the information in this post on essential oils is not meant to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition. As always, seek the advice of your health care provider.

Essential Oils For The Beginner

Aromatherapists are educated in the safe use and application of essential oils, However, anyone can learn how to use essential oils safely even total beginners! Essential oils are widely used by those who haven’t been formally trained in aromatherapy. 

Rest assured, there is no shortage of educational material on essential oils available to novices through free online courses and beginner’s guides

Essential oils are derived from plants; they are very concentrated and can adversely affect pregnant or nursing mothers. Certain essential oils also have skin sensitivity and phototoxicity warnings that should be acknowledged.

3 Ways To Use Essential Oils

  • Topically – diluted with a carrier oil
  • Ingestion  – with a medically trained aromatherapists supervision
  • Inhalation – by diffusing or using an inhalation tube 

Essential oil benefits can be experienced topically through skin absorption (diluted with a carrier oil). The carrier oils that can be mixed with essential oils are basically vegetable oils such as, olive, avocado, almond, jojoba, coconut, castor, apricot, grapeseed, etc. 

For the safe topical use as mentioned, essential oils are combined with carrier oils because they are super concentrated and also evaporate fast. Even though absorption through the skin is the slowest way to experience the benefits of essential oils, an initial patch test is still recommended so that you can avoid allergic reactions. 

Whether your goal is to create a cream, lotion, body scrub, or hair and scalp treatment, there are dozens of DIY recipes that you can create.

4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss
4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss

There are some essential oil companies that instruct on the ingestion of essential oils, but if you are a beginner I wouldn’t recommend this unless you are under the supervision of a medical professional who is trained in aromatherapy. 

Another popular way essential oils are used is through inhalation. Adding a few drops into a hot bath, a humidifier, or a diffuser can create an environment of relaxed tranquility and is a wonderful way to relieve stress and anxiety and promote sleep.

How Essential Oils Can Influence Weight Loss

In terms of weight loss, appetite control, stress reduction, sleep are the best reasons to use essential oils in my opinion. It’s a well-known fact that high-stress levels as well as lack of sleep increase fat-storing hormones like cortisol. 

The combination of stress and fat storage hormone production produces cascade of behavior such as an increased appetite and the focus on consuming starchy, refined carbs which is a recipe for weight gain. 

You could be exercising and eating reasonably healthy but if you are stressed to the max and lacking sleep, cortisol will cancel out all the good you think you’re doing on your weight loss journey.

Essential oils can influence weight loss by supporting gut health and helping to fight inflammation which can also hinder weight loss. 

4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss
4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss

4 Amazing Essential Oils That Help With Weight Loss

  1. Lemon essential oils.  One of the 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss is Lemon Essential Oil. When diffused, this oil can improve mood, and increase energy and control appetite. Diffusing lemon essential oils provide a citrusy aroma that can produce feelings of enhanced well being. Carrier oils used for dilution that works with lemon essential oils well are coconut oil and shea butter. Lemon essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties which can result in weight loss indirectly.
  1. Grapefruit essential oils. Another one of the 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss is Grapefruit Essential Oil. This essential oil helps to boost mood, reduce stress, and curb appetite. However, a major benefit of this essential oil is that it decreases bloat due to its diuretic properties. Water weight is a common issue for women due to hormonal changes throughout all stages of life, and now you know of another fantastic way (besides cutting back on salt) to help alleviate it! 

Appropriate dilution in carrier oil is advised as there are some skin sensitivity and phototoxicity precautions that should be heeded. Some instructions recommend staying out of the sun for 12 hours if more than 36 drops of oil per 2 tablespoons of carrier oil is applied to the skin.


  1. Peppermint essential oils. This oil could not be left out of the 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss. When diffused Peppermint Essential Oil can improve breathing which increases oxygen consumption if used before exercising. It is also known to suppress appetite, control cravings, and improve a plethora of digestive issues ranging from nausea, diarrhea, and acid reflux to name a few. 

Using an inhaler tube, peppermint essential oils can be mixed with other essential oils such as spearmint and ginger essential oils to create a personal anti-nausea inhaler. No more Pepto – Amazing!

  1. Bergamot essential oils. This oil has to be my favorite of the 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss. From helping to relieve aching muscles, headaches, and digestive issues, to its immune-boosting benefits, Bergamot Essential Oil’s list of benefits can go on forever. However, my favorite reasons for loving this essential oil are for the mood-boosting, stress-reducing, appetite suppressing benefits. Bergamot essential oils are also super versatile and blend well with other essential oils. These oils work wonderfully for creating your own personal care products.

There are tons of DIY recipes for personal care, household, and beauty products that use essential oils that you can make at home. For example, simple DIY recipes for almost any personal care product you can think of from soap to bath bombs, face scrubs, lip balm, body butter, toothpaste. 

I have created a PDF list of 4 simple essential oil beauty care recipes (which happen to be my favorite) that you can download by entering your email below. 

Where To Buy Essential Oils

Essential oils are sold everywhere, even at gas stations! But, just because they are available at gas stations doesn’t mean it’s your best source. Quality matters when it comes to essential oils. Conversely, you might think that the more expensive the essential oil, the better the quality. However, the expense doesn’t always equate with quality as it pertains to essential oils. 

Some of the well-known companies that offer essential oils are a little price and are only sold through their independent distributors through multi-level marketing (MLM) business model. 

For the average beginner who just wants to try out good quality essential oils without the expensive price tag, the MLM distributor may not be ideal. A great option is to purchase quality essential oils directly through a reputable company. 

REVIVE Essential Oils offers affordable high-quality essential oils directly to the consumer. They manufacture high quality, therapeutic grade, non-GMO, organic essential oils in the USA and sell directly to consumers at affordable prices. 

REVIVE Essential Oils is a great option for purchasing high-quality essential oils because you don’t have to subscribe, and there’s no middleman. They offer a free downloadable ebook to give you a little background information about their oils and how to use them. Also offered are essential oil bundles that include a diffuser and about 6 bottles of their most common essential oils to get you going. Even their customer service is excellent! 

You can use my REVIVE Essential Oils coupon code ROBINREVIVE10 to get 10% off of your first purchase at the checkout.  


It’s clear that the 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss can also become part of the healthy lifestyle choices you make on a daily basis. You may even find that you save money if you decide to start creating personal care produces using essential oils. 

Adding essential oils to your daily grooming routine is an awesome idea as many of the popular high-end skincare brands contain chemicals and toxins that are being flagged as toxic.

If you are looking to experience the benefits of these 4 amazing essential oils for weight loss I suggest giving them a try. Use the coupon code ROBINREVIVE10 for 10% off your first purchase at REVIVE Essential Oils. It never hurts to add another weight loss strategy to your arsenal!

Do you use essential oils? Have you experienced the amazing benefits of essential oils for weight loss?  Please share in the comments!




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4 thoughts on “4 Amazing Essential Oils For Weight Loss”

  1. I didn’t know Bergamot essential oils was so powerful for weight loss. I will recommend it to my sweety since she was looking from some essential oils that can help her on her weight loss journey.

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