How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction

How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction

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Can you really manifest weight loss using the law of attraction? The answer is yes, excluding anything outside of you, that is. This perspective requires that you separate what you want for yourself from what is going on in your environment. 

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Winter is over, and with it came a health crisis which for us as a society has posed some major challenges. In fact, we could have never predicted these strange times. 

You may still be dealing with some winter weight that you thought you would lose by now. It didn’t help that the entire world was under a stay at home orders but I digress. Nonetheless, you probably expected to be planning your pre-summer activities by now. The one thing you were not planning for is the extra pounds you intended to lose.  

Pay Attention To Your Thoughts To Manifest Weight Loss

Your frustration is understandable. However, as the saying goes, it is what it is. The best suggestion I can give you is to relax. I wish I could tell you that you won’t feel stress but that wouldn’t be the truth. Stress is a part of life. Not allowing stress to control your behavior is the best thing to do for weight loss.

There are healthier ways to deal with stress as we all know. Through journaling, meditation, prayer, yoga, talking to a friend, you get the idea. You’ll have to find that “thing” that resonates with you. The next best thing is to think positively which is done by changing your perception of the stress affecting you.

Changing your thoughts isn’t easy to do because of the conditioning from our parents and society, but its worth a try. Learning to not allow outside events to influence how you cope with life takes practice. Unfortunate circumstances are in no short supply, I know. But, you really don’t have to be controlled by these outside influences.


Isn’t it ironic how we automatically latch on to the most negative thought patterns? We certainly don’t want the negative emotions that follow but we as a people do this all the time. Then, as soon as a positive, happy thought that you really do want to experience comes along, you immediately shun the idea of it!

This, my friend, is the human condition. We are conditioned from birth to see the negativity in our lives. How many times have you the saying “if something is too good to be true, it probably is” or “if I didn’t have bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck at all”.

Here’s a news flash for you. These old programmed narratives keep you stuck in receiving negative outcomes in your life. Whether it’s weight loss or not, no matter what it is that you want you’ve been getting what you’ve been declaring.

If you really want to understand how to manifest weight loss using the law of attraction, start with thinking about what you want instead of what you don’t want. You can choose right here and now how you want to feel about your weight and your body even though you are not at your pre-planned goal.  

How You Manifest Your Reality Whether Or Not It’s What You Want

The superficial reasons for the weight gain? You may have been stress eating because you felt the need for comfort. Reaching for the very foods that you know will not provide said comfort, though it feels good at the moment.

You unintentionally choose a temporary solution that has long term effects, then, later on, you get in your feelings about it. It’s like you’re playing the victim card, only you are not a victim. Ouch! Just a little tough love, but I promise you there’s a better way to deal with your weight issues.

The reason you are getting what you don’t want is that you are aligning your feelings with it. This is how the law of attraction works, and it is the reason why you’ve manifested your weight gain and current results. 

So you are back to square one but all isn’t lost! Now it’s time to be your own best friend and forgive yourself. I know not being at or near your weight loss goal doesn’t feel good, but now that you understand how you got here, you’re better equipped to do something about it. 

Any change you want to make especially when it’s weight loss related starts in your mind. It will help tremendously to take a look at what the weight represents for you.

Weight Gain Is A Symptom Of A Bigger Issue

As established, there are a few reasons you could be still looking at the weight gain you started the year with. It may surprise you to know that those reasons are superficial. You have to dive a little deeper to see why you make those food choices and to stress eat.

The answer to that question is what your weight gain represents and is the reason you haven’t reached your weight loss goal. Try and remember how you felt about the circumstances in your life over the last 5 months.  

If you consider the extra pounds you’re still carrying are the result of feelings you experienced which caused you to turn to food, then it makes sense that the weight represents what you have been feeling. Basically the symptom the weight represents a deeper issue which could be identified as fear.

Fear has been prevalent for most people over the last few months, so just know you are not alone!

Weight Loss Is Only Part Of Your Health Journey

In order to manifest weight loss using the law of attraction, think of weight loss as only part of your health journey. Your health journey is ongoing so it doesn’t end. Like most journeys, there are ups and downs.

Sometimes you’ll follow your program to the letter, sometimes you feel like you can barely keep it together. Remember, you are human and far from perfect, but you CAN achieve whatever you set your mind to do, so judgment is not a helpful stance to take. 

Fear can also be a helpful emotion and has its place. It can motivate us to do things that are good for us and keeps us safe. For example, we know better than to walk out into the street without looking both ways. Fear keeps us from dealing with negative consequences. 

On the other hand, sometimes fear can be felt completely out of proportion to what is necessary, and we can forget our good intentions for losing weight.

The unpleasantness of emotions brought on by fear can completely take over when you reach for food as a way to cope with it. It is at this point that fear is controlling you and even though you know what you’re doing, you feel powerless to stop because it feels good to fill the void. The thing is, you can never fill an emotional void with food.

In order to manifest weight loss using the law of attraction fear cannot play a role. The reason is that fear puts you in a negative vibe. If fear directs your actions, you aren’t sending a message of faith in what you want to the Universe.  

What is currently going on in our world is giving our lives a heightened sense of fear and powerlessness. However, when you really think about it, it doesn’t really change anything. There are additional precautions that have been added to the other precautions that you already take to keep yourself safe. In light of this, your health journey should continue.

In fact, you need to keep all of your good health practices intact now more than ever. What you can control is you. You cannot control anything outside of you. That’s also been the case.  

How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction
How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction

Manifest Weight Loss By Changing Your Emotional State

When you think of your life as a precious gift, do you feel fear or gratitude? The feeling of gratitude will make fear disappear and immediately give you a positive vibe. You cannot feel both fear and gratitude at the same time.

In order to manifest weight loss using the law of attraction, change your emotional state to reflect positivity. Then, try to sustain those good feelings. 

You can manifest weight loss or anything you really want in life using the law of attraction. Chares R. Swindoll once said, “life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it”. Your attitude you have is what you can control.

For the things in life that are beyond your control, accepting that our Creator, God, the Universe, or whatever higher power you believe in will get you through. If you don’t believe we have a Creator, then you have the freedom to tune me out. That’s what’s so great about freedom. I’m a spiritual person having a human experience. Religion does not play a role in my life.

Fear is natural and we’re going to feel it. There’s no way I can sit here and act like I have some magic wand that you can borrow to wave fear away. Instead of letting fear of what’s happening around you drive your actions, consider this one point. You become what you think about.

Before you roll your eyes, hear me out. The law of attraction and manifestation is in full effect all the time. Whether you know it or not, you are always creating or manifesting your reality. Creating and manifesting are interchangeable here.

What you say, focus on, believe and do, have everything to do with why you and I find ourselves in our current situation (whether or not you’ve been in weight gain mode). 

In fact, even when you aren’t saying and focusing and believing and doing anything, you in fact are creating the reality you are looking at right now. In other words, not choosing is choosing.

You Have The Power To Create Your Personal Reality

Even though I never lived during a public health crisis, tapping into our own creative power to change our own personal reality is exactly why our Creator gave us this power in the first place.

Your power to manifest what you want using the law of attraction is meant to be used for such a time as this. This power can be used to achieve anything you want, not just weight loss.

I’m not going all pollyanna on you. You cannot change society’s health crisis. The perspective I want to offer you doesn’t propose throwing caution to the wind. You actually still need to rely on common sense (and hopefully you have that). Therefore please continue using the safety measures issued in your community.

As I said, you cannot change anything or anyone outside of you. Tapping into the power to create is all about manifesting the way you want to show up in your life. To understand this perspective consider this: Thoughts are things. Though you cannot see them, they are real and tangible. They manifest as your reality. 

The results in your life right now are there because of your thoughts. Let that sink in. 

There are some questions you want to ask yourself when you want to manifest change for yourself. I seriously suggest that you get a pen and notebook out because you’ll have to dive deep into this one.


Questions To Ask Yourself When You Want To Manifest Change

  • What do you want and why? You have to put in some thought for this two-part question, but it shouldn’t be hard to figure out. Just think about what aspect of yourself or your personal life that you want to change. Think about whatever is nagging at you about your current circumstances. Just remember it’s about you and how you show up in your life.
  • What do you believe? What you believe about yourself is likely the reason for your current results. Your self-talk and how you behave toward yourself (your actions) all lead to your current reality. If you see yourself as a person who just can’t even deal with XYZ, without reaching for a pint of ice cream, then what you’ll manifest are a few pounds. Instead, think of what you want to be like in that challenging situation. What do you need to believe about yourself in order to be like that person that can deal with that situation?
  • How do you envision yourself? This is where you get to tap into your imagination. It might feel silly, but our Creator gave us this ability for a reason. You really can have whatever you imagine for yourself. Imagination is a muscle that gets stronger the more you use it. As I stated earlier, I’m not going pollyanna on you. I don’t propose you start thinking that unicorns exist to come and swoop you off to a land where you can eat all the pizza you want and not gain weight. Imagination doesn’t equate with fantasy. If you haven’t used your imagination to envision a better existence for yourself, you may want to start. Thoughts really are things.
  • What will you feel like having the thing you want? Feelings are the secret sauce to manifestation. Your feelings are what inspire you to act and will be what carry you to your desired (or undesired) outcome. Think about it. If you felt indifferent about your desire to reach your desired weight or achieving a major goal like starting a home-based business, for example, your effort would be lackluster at best and your outcome would reflect that. Your feelings are the vibration that you emit, and it says to everyone and the Universe that this thing you want is yours. You simply cannot and will not be denied whatever it is that you want to you when you feel in your heart that it is yours.
  • What does a person who has what you want, believe, say, and do? So you must think about what you want and why first, but that isn’t enough to achieve it. You definitely have to believe that you can have whatever it is that you want, but the equation still isn’t complete. Without speaking into existence what you want and feeling what it will be like to have it, you’re just wishing. Envisioning or imagining and behaving AS IF is like putting the key into the ignition, and puts your faith in motion.

How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction
How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction

Manifest What You Want In Life By Believing Before You See It

Historically, human beings are of the thinking that they must literally see what they want to happen first, and then they believe it. However, when it comes to manifesting, it doesn’t work that way. Faith does all the work. You must believe it first, then you’ll see it in your reality.

Terry Savelle-Foy, a spiritual motivational speaker who speaks at churches and personal development conferences all over the world says “if you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand.” Her book “Dream It. Pin It. Live It.” will help you grasp key concepts of the law of attraction and personal development if you want to learn more.

So, why not use the law of attraction to manifest the healthy body weight that you want (or anything else you want)? If you have a history of stress eating, the fear of what’s happening around you isn’t going anywhere for the moment. You know it’s there. Acknowledge it. Release your need to have control over outside events and try focusing on being grateful for what you have right now that is good.  

Just remember whatever is causing you to fear is outside of you. Don’t let fear have the last word. It doesn’t have control over you. 

You are welcome to a free checklist to help you the key questions you should ask yourself in order to manifest weight loss using the law of attraction or whatever you want to create in your life. You can download the free checklist here.


Use the law of attraction to manifest weight loss by taking a stand for gratitude instead of fear. Will you feel fear? Of course, you’re human, and feeling emotions are part of life’s journey. However, eating for reasons other than true hunger won’t change anything except your clothing size. 

We all have the power to manifest how we show up in our own lives. Believe that you can have the healthy body, mind and spirit you envision for yourself, by acting and speaking as if you already have it. 

Do you believe in the law of attraction? Have you manifested things into your life that you want? 

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1 thought on “How To Manifest Weight Loss Using The Law Of Attraction”

  1. Yes!!! I believe whole heartedly about this!!!! The power of the mind is everything! And everything is energy. Thanks for sharing!!


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