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How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond

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How to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond depends on how vigilant you are with simply taking good care of yourself. This kind of self-care involves eating nutritious foods, keeping stress levels down, and of course, washing your hands.

Even though it’s almost spring, we’re not out of the woods yet as far as colds and flu are concerned. So, if you want to know how to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond, the same precautions that were important to follow during the colder months still applies now.

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For the elderly, those with chronic health problems and the immunocompromised, flu-like viruses can be life-threatening. Whether you are among the high-risk population or not, how to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond means being mindful of your habits and your surroundings. If there are people in your general vicinity who are ill, it’s best to remove yourself from that area.

As a nurse working in a hospital, I’m in close contact with different people every day. It’s part of my job to follow simple universal protocols like frequent handwashing.

These guidelines are not just practiced at work. I adhere to these rules all the time because it’s how I keep myself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond even outside of work.

Take The Advice of State and Local Health Officials

If you are wondering how to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond, you can start with staying calm and listening to the advice of your state and local health officials.

How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond
How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond

It may also be helpful if instead of flooding your mind with what’s on the news every minute of the day, just update yourself once or twice a day.

Try to limit how much you go on social media. You really don’t need to absorb other people’s fears.  

Remember what we do know is that we can protect ourselves from colds and flu-like viruses by just keeping it simple.

How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond

Wash Your Hands. This is the year 2020, and I’m still amazed that as a society people need to be reminded to wash their hands. But, it’s how to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond and it’s worth repeating. 

I find it reassuring that the risk of becoming infected with a potentially serious flu-like illness can be reduced drastically by simply washing your hands often.

How to Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond
How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond

Using hand sanitizer is okay, but there is no substitute for good old soap and water. “I think I washed my hands too much”, said no one ever. 

Wherever there’s a sink and soap available, WASH YOUR HANDS.

Keep a distance between yourself and others. How to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond is all about putting space between yourself and others. I’m a person who 90% of the time practices the 3-foot rule whenever I talk to people. This one can be tough because we have friends and family that we’re affectionate with, and not hugging is going to feel strange. 

Due to the current circumstances, I doubt anyone will be offended. 

You not only have to keep a safe distance away from people, but you need to remember to not touch others’ hands (sorry, no hi-fives) or embrace people. It’s a challenge but it isn’t hard to do. Avoid crowds as well.

Don’t touch your face. While shopping this week I noticed how often I rub my nose and eyes. It could be due to allergy season which usually starts affecting me this time of year. How to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond means making conscious effort to not touch your face. Also, keep hand sanitizer and tissues in your car while your out. 

Use your elbow. If you sneeze or cough, use the inside of your elbow as a shield and wash your hands asap.

Stay home if you feel sick. Call your healthcare provider to see if you are in need of screening in person especially if you have a fever. 

How to Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond
How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond

How To Handle Being Isolated At Home

Keep stress levels down. Flu-like viruses are pretty serious these days, so it’s a safe bet that you’ll have to stay home if you’re sick. It’s also normal to feel cranky and on edge when you don’t feel well.

Unplanned days off from work when you don’t have the most understanding employer even if you’re sick can cause anxiety. Believe me, I’ve been there. If you find yourself in this situation, try thinking about it from a different perspective.  

Getting sick is beyond anyone’s control. You are being a responsible human being by staying home to take care of yourself instead of infecting potentially everyone you come in contact with at work. Stressing yourself out about it will only weaken your immune system which won’t help you recover faster.🤷🏽‍♀️


Eat healthy nutritious foods. How to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond involves having a nutrient-dense diet which is more important now than ever. A cold or flu-like virus can infect anyone but it’s my belief that you have a better chance at fighting it if you are healthy, to begin with. 

Have a family member go grocery shopping and pick up necessities like multivitamins and extra vitamin C from your pharmacy so that you don’t have to leave the house for anything.

If you just have a simple common cold and you have to be the one to get your groceries or supplies, make a list so that you spend the least amount of time out and about. This isn’t supposed to be a leisurely shopping trip where you browse the aisles and read labels. It’s better for you to limit your time outside so that you don’t pass along any germs to other people.

Try not to load up on junk food. A treat here and there is okay, however, the bulk of your grocery haul should be healthy protein and fat, veggies and fruit. Make sure you add to your list green tea, lemons and ginger for an extra boost for your immunity.

Pick up some chicken soup. It’s a home remedy that really works.

How to Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond
How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond

Don’t lose sleep. Sleep deprivation can weaken your immune system. Studies show that you are more susceptible to viruses and colds when you lack sleep. 

A cold or flu virus can also stick around longer if you are lacking enough sleep. Your body needs a chance to recharge itself. 

Restful sleep is the only way to do it. Your ability to make decisions for yourself and your family depends on you being fully rested. 

Try Resting Most Of The Time

This is one of the only times that it’s mandatory that you be a complete couch potato when you are home sick from work. If you can’t sleep, catch up on some reading. Mindless television works too if that’s your thing. 

If you have young children at home, keep coloring books, puzzles, and games on hand if you aren’t able to get child care for the day.


If you’ve been living in fear and stressing yourself out by watching the news loop about the spread of cold and flu-like viruses, stop. Instead, be proactive. 

Wash your hands often, stay indoors and avoid crowds or gatherings. When you go out, keep at least 3 feet away from others. Cough or sneeze into the inside of your elbow.

Remember, no handshaking, or embracing.

If you feel like you may be getting a cold, stay home. Call your healthcare provider and report your symptoms especially if you develop a fever.

Eat healthily, get enough sleep if you need to stay home from work. If you have younger children who are also home, create some fun activities for them or get some help with child care if possible. 

I believe that what we focus on grows. Worrying seems like you are doing something good but you really aren’t. What you are actually doing is meditating on what you don’t want. Choose to think of this time as an opportunity to catch up on some rest.

Finally, how to keep yourself healthy during cold and flu season and beyond involves thinking positively. Be thankful for what’s good in your life right now, and be an example for your kids and family by taking care of yourself. 

Believe in your heart that you will get through this season however long it lasts. 


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