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8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day

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Life is so fast-paced it seems impossible to absorb what happens around you from one day to the next. There are 8 reasons to start journaling every day in order to sift through that information and decide which is worth your time and attention. 

Even though you may feel bombarded with information from all sides, journaling every day will enable you to give thoughtful consideration to the issues you face regularly.

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In our society, the information overload struggle is real. There’s always something going on that affects your life whether it’s happening at work, or with family and friends. If you are like me, just trying to keep up with all the events going on in your life, you might have to look at your calendar to remember what you did a few days ago. 

Journaling every day gives you the opportunity to sort out what’s happening in your world so you can decide how you want to show up in your life.

I have used journaling to jumpstart my imagination. For example, journaling helped me sort out the obstacles that were in my way when I decided I wanted to lose weight a few years ago. With journaling, I understood that I could not expect to succeed at weight loss if I kept taking the same actions I had always taken in the past.

8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day
8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day

Journaling Every Day Helps You Develop As A Person

Journaling every day helps you get to know yourself a little better. When you take pen to paper, it’s like you are forming an intimate connection with yourself. You immediately feel safe and secure putting your thoughts, feelings, and experiences into words. It feels as if you are talking to a friend without fear of judgment. 

Writing in a journal every day is like a pathway you create that leads to you becoming smarter and more confident. Journaling has taught me how to eloquently articulate anything on my mind when speaking, and be taken seriously. Writing for me is also a form of self-expression that allows me to give voice to the things that I wouldn’t say out loud otherwise.  

8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day
8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day

Journaling Every Day Takes Very Little Time

You don’t have to love writing to experience the benefits of journaling every day. Writing down your thoughts and feelings doesn’t even have to take much of your time. If all you have is 5 minutes, that is enough time to jot down something you don’t want to forget or unload whatever is bothering you.

The act of writing slows down your thoughts long enough for you to hear that inner voice that we all have. Some people refer to this inner voice as your conscience or intuition. Whatever you prefer to call it, I like to think it’s the one voice we all tend to listen to, trust and believe in the most.

Here are 8 reasons to start journaling every day.

1. Journaling jumpstarts your imagination. I believe that human beings can manifest whatever their heart desires. When you write down your thoughts, their purpose becomes almost tangible. It’s like you have given life to those thoughts because you have given them your focus.

Whether you achieve your goals depends on how dedicated your focus is. If you focus energy toward your goals, then you will manifest whatever it is you can imagine. It may sound “woo woo” but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

2. Journaling every day will spark your creativity. Since writing is a creative process, devising a plan of action to achieve your goals is as simple as putting pen to paper. Once you know where you need to start, you can break down your big goal into smaller tasks. Then all that needs to be done is figuring out how you can fit these tasks into your life.

8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day
8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day

3. Journaling helps you stay organized. Even in our everyday routines, we can mindlessly go about doing the simplest tasks. We can get so caught up in our routines that we don’t even consider that there is probably a more streamlined way to do what we need to do. Journaling every day will help you discover how you can work smarter and not harder.

Let’s say you want to take time to visit relatives more often but you can’t see how you can spare the time because your schedule is “so tight”. When you feel like you don’t know how you could possibly add more to your plate, I encourage you to start journaling every day.

You will undoubtedly see where you can create pockets of time in your routine. Our minds are limitless so when you write with intention, it helps to open your mind to what’s possible, therefore nothing will seem impossible. 

4. Journaling helps you problem solve. If you have a dilemma that keeps nagging at you, journaling will help you sort out the issues. For example, let’s say you have some difficult personality at work. No matter what you do, they push your buttons and you can’t keep your cool. Journaling will help you to figure out how to respond to that difficult person as well as how to navigate difficult situations in the future.

How many times have you come away from a conflict thinking about something you should have said or done that would have been better for you? Usually what happens after the conflict is over, we’re in our feelings because we replay it in our minds over and over again. This doesn’t help us move on because all we do is think about it. 

But, when we journal about the conflict, the appropriate answers to whatever we need are there. You have a better chance of resolving any issues for yourself when you find a quiet comfortable place to journal.  Writing will help your mind settle down long enough for possible solutions to suddenly come to light. It just takes you to be still long enough to hear your intuition speak to you. 

5. Journaling brings clarity when life feels confusing. When you write down your thoughts and feelings around a particular issue that has you feeling completely baffled, you may notice that you are able to understand it better. It’s like your brain is able to see things from multiple vantage points. When you go through this kind of self-reflection, the peace of mind that you are looking for isn’t far behind. 

6. Journaling releases tension by slowing down your thoughts. When you pause to write, you are able to calmly sort through your thoughts. Even if you are angry, the act of writing will diffuse any tension you feel.

Anger is an impulsive emotion. When you write down what thoughts you’re having that cause you to feel anger, you can examine your feelings, where they’re coming from and why. Journaling can help you understand that your reaction is from the meaning that you give to whatever is happening outside of you.

So, you will ultimately understand that you are in control of your thoughts about anything and subsequently your emotions. This kind of self-examination can only happen when we are calm. Writing will teach you how to think more first, instead of being reactionary and judgemental. 

7. Journaling every day will help you focus on all the reasons you have to be grateful. We all think we’re positive all the time but the truth is we’re usually the opposite. No matter how much we know that there are other people who would trade places with us, we sometimes don’t consider that we are blessed.

8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day
8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day

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I believe that we get what we focus on, so being grateful for even the smallest things will give you more to be grateful for. I’m thankful that I opened my eyes, stood up and walked to the kitchen this morning. Now it’s your turn! 😁

8. Journaling every day can increase your self-esteem. What you believe about yourself comes from what you say to yourself, not from anything external. Another person’s thoughts or opinions of you only have meaning if you attach any meaning to it. Your own voice is the one you listen to and believe the most. Journaling every day can be used to help encourage and build yourself up so that you can face the challenges of everyday life with confidence. 


When you journal every day, you strip away all the superficial worries of life. Writing helps you interpret events that have the potential to impact you and teaches you how to focus on all that really matters in life. You’ll not only get to know yourself and understand your purpose, but it may help you gain a better insight into the people you spend the most time around. 

Have you tried journaling? If so, in what way has journaling helped you?

Please share in the comments!




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2 thoughts on “8 Reasons To Start Journaling Every Day”

  1. Pingback: 10 Ways To Prevent Weight Gain From Stress For Women Over 50 - Wellness Holds Power

  2. Pingback: Why Using Daily Meditation Works As A Tool For Weight Loss - Wellness Holds Power

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