cup of tea

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Tea Every Day?

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What are the benefits of drinking tea every day that you don’t know about but always wondered? Well, the reasons to drink tea every day far outweigh the reasons why I decided to do it. The results I got after drinking tea every day for one week totally exceeded my expectations.

You may want to consider drinking tea every day if becoming healthier and losing weight is on your goal list for this 2020.

I had to start off the year with mini healthy habits that were easy to do. My only goal was to find uncomplicated ways to add healthy habits while dropping some of the unhealthy habits I picked up in 2019. It had to be easy and that’s why drinking tea every day is one of the first things I chose to do.

My First Week Of Drinking Tea Every Day

One week ago I decided to try drinking tea every day as a part of my daily routine. You would have to be living under a rock not know that tea has a ton of health benefits, and green tea, in particular, helps with weight loss. 

I do love my coffee, and I don’t intend to give it up. However, I decided that after my large glass of water with lemon in the morning I would have only 1 cup of black coffee without cream, stevia or flavored syrup.

I can’t believe I got into flavored syrup (artificial sweeteners are a no-no).

The deal I made with myself was to replace my coffee drinking throughout the day with tea. I also hydrated with water which I’m really glad I was already in the habit of doing. 

This was experimental mostly because tea isn’t what I normally reach for when I want a hot beverage. But, I wanted to see if drinking tea every day instead of having 2 or 3 large cups of coffee would make a difference in how I felt. (Don’t judge me).

So, after a little research (which is why I love Google), I learned that drinking tea every day by far is loaded with health benefits that coffee doesn’t hold a candle to in my humble opinion. 

The benefits of drinking tea are endless, but off the top of my head a few that attracted me are:

  • Tea has antioxidants
  • Tea helps with weight loss
  • Tea has caffeine (for me, caffeine is life y’all)

Yes, I know.  My reasons are common knowledge and don’t really sell you on the idea of drinking tea every day, but just hear me out. Hey, I’m 15 (or so) pounds over my goal weight since October.

If you are anything like me, taking the path of least resistance when it comes to change is the way to go. The secret is not to make it too hard to do, or you just won’t do it consistently enough to see any results. #Facts.

The easiest way for me to ease into healthier habits was to scale back my coffee consumption and all the junk that I was putting into it. So, I took the plunge and invested in some organic teas. 

What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Tea Every Day?
What Are The Benefits Of Drinking Tea Every Day?

You might be thinking, so what? She bought some tea, big whoop. Well, I’m here to tell you I felt nothing short of AMAZING after one week of drinking tea every day. I LOVED how it made me feel and I was surprised that I could feel a difference in just one week! 

Big Results From Drinking Tea Every Day

These are the benefits I experienced drinking 1-2 cups of an organic green tea blend every day:

  • More alertness, better concentration.
  • No jitters or afternoon crash. 
  • Elevated mood, stress levels were manageable. 
  • Less joint pain.
  • More relaxed overall. 
  • Better sleep (woke up less often and slept soundly).
  • Better digestion.
  • Fewer cravings, and better appetite control.
  • Fewer hot flashes (seriously, this was a bonus!).

Ladies, I’m telling you. These benefits are huge for us women of a certain age okay? 

The best news of all? As of today, one week after I started drinking tea every day, I LOST 8.8 pounds!  

There won’t be any more big losses in the coming weeks, for sure. But having this much success weight loss right out the gate? You better know I’m killin this drinking tea everyday thing!

I will add that I was meal planning and prepping, as well as practicing portion control the entire week. Believe me, I don’t do complicated meals. We’re talking protein shakes in the mornings, rotisserie chicken from the grocery store, wild salmon, green veggies, salads, healthy snacks like greek yogurt – you get the picture.

It was important for me to plan my meals so that I would have the best possible outcome with this experiment. I experienced these benefits after only one week of drinking tea every day. So, now I’m asking myself, how awesome will I feel after doing this for the next month or two?

Well, I intend to find out.

Now that I have all this proof that drinking tea every day is the best healthy habit to incorporate, I have been sharing this with anyone who’ll listen. Hopefully without annoying the crap out of people.

The Simplest Plan

So here’s what I did. I mixed the Matcha and Awake green tea blend you see in the picture to take to work because both have caffeine. This was a risk I was willing to take because having as much energy as possible is always my goal.

My job is no joke – I have to be on my game at work. 

In the evenings about 1-2 hours before bed, I made the caffeine-free organic green tea blend to help me unwind. This is a blend of teas that include Chamomile, Green tea, Valerian, and Lemon Balm.

As a side note, I don’t add sweetener to my tea, not even stevia. The easiest way to cut back on craving sweet things is to have less sweet-tasting things. This is just my preference, but you may find that adding honey or stevia a little more palatable.

I found that having this tea before bed helped me decompress after tough workdays. There was no replay of events going on in my head that would normally keep me from falling asleep. Amazing.

Who knew drinking tea every day could do all of this? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had tea before, but this time I was having it like a tea drinker. Now I know what all the fuss is about.

Since this is now my regimen, I’m going to continue trying out a few different organic tea blends. Eventually, I would love to graduate to organic loose teas. 


If you want to kickstart your healthy habits in order to lose weight, or if you just want to reign in your coffee consumption, try drinking 1 or 2 cups of tea every day. Make sure you buy organic teas. You don’t have to give up coffee entirely. 

Take it from me, within your first week, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Have you thought about consuming less coffee? Would you try drinking tea every day as an experiment? 

Let me know in the comments!


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