6 Tips To Beat The Winter Blahs

6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs

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There are 6 easy tips that can help you beat the winter blahs which can also make a big difference in your mood on a daily basis. We’re in the thick of winter now, and if you’re like me, you might be wondering how you can beat the winter blahs. It seems that after the holidays, once the normal routine of life is in full swing, I start to feel a little letdown.

A lot of people experience Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) at this time of year. SAD is a bit more serious than just having the winter blahs and the symptoms can range from mild to severe. First and foremost, If you feel you are experiencing SAD, it’s a good idea to get your health care provider’s input. 

In my particular situation, I know I can safely chalk up feeling let down to the winter blahs. For instance, when nothing about my routine has changed at all, and I start to feel a little more stressed than usual, I know I have a case of the winter blahs. Another clue that confirms I have the winter blahs is, my thinking feels scattered.

Don’t get me wrong. The wellness goals I set for the year have me pumped up, but the warm and fuzzy feeling of the holidays is not in the air. I still miss not having the excitement of the holidays to look forward to.

You might feel stuck in a rut and can’t quite put your finger on why. While I don’t feel this way every single day, it’s easy for me to identify when I’m experiencing the winter blahs.

6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs
6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs

Here are 5 signs of the winter blahs that I look for:

  • I may feel distracted and have a hard time focusing some days.
  • I’m easily frustrated, or easily annoyed. 
  • I might feel more sensitive about things that usually don’t bother me. 😢
  • I have zero motivation and feel like I want an escape (Netflix anyone?).
  • My appetite is off the charts (Ugh! One of my least favorite things😒).

When it comes to our health and wellness, this is the time of year when we want to do everything perfectly, right? I don’t make resolutions, but I do set goals that have no end date which I plan to work on all year long. 

There’s always room for improvement that’s why having goals is awesome. However, you don’t want to forget that you are a human being, so we aren’t going to feel perfect all the time. What you can do is get better at finding healthy strategies to help you beat the winter blahs and lift your spirits when the need arises. 

In my opinion, feeling stuck in a rut is my emotions letting me know when it’s time to take a step back and course correct. I sometimes need to remind myself that I’m never really stuck. It took some inner work, but over time I came to understand that my negative emotions stem from my thoughts. 

Once I understood this, I realized I can control how I feel at any time. Knowing how my mind works, I now have the ability to beat the winter blahs and respond to my emotional needs in a healthy way. 

It helps to understand that wellness is as much about how we think and feel emotionally. Looking good physically is only part of the equation.

So, here’s some awesome news for you. There are activities you can start doing that can help you beat the winter blahs whenever they creep in. 

Here Are 6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs: 

1. Get Outside Whenever Possible

I work in a hospital for 3 days every week for 12-hour shifts. There are days I sometimes don’t see the outdoors the entire time. I’m exhausted and truthfully if I don’t break up my routine of going to work, coming home, sleeping and going back to work, I don’t enjoy life so much. #Facts.

No doubt, getting outside especially when it’s sunny can help you beat the winter blahs. However, wintertime makes getting outside for a walk a little more difficult. What I typically do is save my errands for my days off from work.

If I have several errands, I spread them out over the course of the week. Then, my weekends are spent with family and/or friends. The whole point in doing this is to avoid feeling isolated.

2. Give Your Environment A Facelift

Nothing can help you beat the winter blahs quite like a clean space. I know cleaning a room doesn’t sound motivating when all you want to do is put your head under the covers. But hear me out. 

The weight of a disorganized, messy environment is very heavy. My mood decreases when I look at certain areas of my home that are a hot mess especially when I feel the winter blahs. A cluttered environment is the last thing your mind needs because it will just pull you further down in the dumps.

I’m not a neat freak, but I aspire to be! Just kidding, being more organized is what I’m striving for. It’s a guarantee that sprucing up your environment can help you beat the winter blahs. Remember we’re not even looking for perfection, but straightening up your space for as little as 30 minutes can do wonders.

Doing small tasks like putting items where they belong, and dusting work wonders. If you want to beat the winter blahs, the key is simplicity. Knocking out a few light chores is the easiest way to beat the winter blahs that you don’t have to leave your home to do.

Plus, knowing where things are will help your mind not have to work so hard. You just have to trust me on this one.

3. Engage In A Favorite Hobby Or Create One

This one is optional. I learned to crochet and knit when I was a kid. Every year I get a hankering to pull out my crochet hooks or knitting needs and create a quick project. I’m not an expert, but I’ve made some afghans and scarves over the years that I actually gave as gifts. 

There’s something about working with yarn to create a garment that I find therapeutic. Yep, I’m a nerd, but It’s very satisfying. Maybe your jam is drawing or painting or creating jewelry.

The point is to find an activity to occupy your mind so that it takes you out of the doldrums. Creating something with your hands can help you beat the winter blahs and put a smile on your face in a snap! 

4. Pamper Yourself And Keep The Winter Blahs Away

Dry skin is a big struggle for most of us during the winter. Ladies, you can beat the winter blahs with regularly scheduled pampering days. A luxuriously long bath with Epsom salt or an exfoliation session is the best #TLC that you can give yourself to beat the winter blahs.

This kind of self-care is mandatory in my book when you to keep the winter blahs away. Get some scented candles, put on your favorite music, or if having complete quiet is your thing (like it sometimes is mine) go for it. Create your own exfoliation scrub with olive oil, sugar and a few drops of your favorite essential oils and your skin will love you!

5. Beat The Winter Blahs By Eating Healthily 

Diving headfirst into a giant bag of chips won’t help you beat the winter blahs. Now is not the time to deviate completely from your healthy eating routine if weight loss is your goal this year. Oh okay, I may or may not have done this myself, don’t judge me.👀 

Like I said earlier, we’re human, so if you feel like you just have to have a treat, have a few pieces of dark chocolate. If this doesn’t suffice, just indulge mindfully. Don’t let a little splurge turn into a full-on binge. 

To be fully transparent, cooking is always the thing I don’t automatically choose to do which is why meal prepping ahead works so well for me. Meal prepping is perfect for beating the winter blahs because it takes something I don’t really like doing (cooking) off my list.

I meal prep a few different dishes that I can easily put together for work lunches, and still have leftovers during the week for everyone else in the house. The crockpot is the best kitchen gadget for someone like me who doesn’t like to cook.  I’m all about giving my mind, less to think about.

Getting things like cooking crossed off your to-do list can help you beat the winter blahs. There’s nothing easier or more comforting than throwing a few ingredients into a pot and walking away for 8 hours until it’s ready. The winter blahs don’t stand a chance when you’re prepared for your week ahead.

6. Beat The Winter Blahs By Getting Adequate Sleep

6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs
6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs

Speaking from my experience as a night shift nurse for 8 years, the benefits of sleep cannot be overstated here. Sleep is like recharging your battery. You need sleep to function at your best, and the right amount of sleep varies from individual to individual. 

Making decisions with a clear head depends on you being fully rested. Inadequate sleep will also weaken your immune system as well as cause you to make poor food choices. I say getting enough sleep is the first line of defense that can help you beat the winter blahs. 

In order to beat the winter blahs, do yourself a favor and make getting a good night’s sleep a priority. 

I have to acknowledge that sleeping at night can be a challenge, especially if you work a weird schedule. Your mind sometimes doesn’t want to slow down even though your body might be screaming at you to go to bed. Creating a sleep preparation routine can help. 

Here are a few things to try if falling asleep and staying asleep doesn’t come easily for you. 

About 1 -2 hours before bed:

  • Have a cup of decaf tea. I suggest a green tea blend that includes Chamomile.
  • Put down your phone 1hr before you plan to retire for the night. If you rely on your phone’s alarm to get up in the morning, put your phone on the other side of your room.
  • Read a chapter of a book. Your mind cannot concentrate on all the things if you are purposefully trying to read. 
  • Take a soothing lavender bath or diffuse lavender essential oils in your bedroom.
  • Write in your journal what you’re grateful for as a way to meditate on what is going well in your life.  

There you have it, 6 tips that can help you beat the winter blahs. Get outside (breathe deeply); tidy up your favorite space so you can chill out stress-free at home; engage in a favorite hobby or create one; eat as healthy as possible; pamper yourself; and, set yourself up for a good night’s sleep.

These tips don’t just work for the winter. However, you can beat the winter blahs in a healthy, productive way, while renewing your spirit at the same time.  

If you suffer from the winter blahs, how are you coping? 




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3 thoughts on “6 Easy Tips That Can Help You Beat The Winter Blahs”

  1. The winter blahs are real! I grew up in Michigan where winter lasted 9 months out of the year and moved the first chance I got. I love your recommendations- thanks for sharing!

  2. Pingback: How To Keep Yourself Healthy During Cold And Flu Season And Beyond - Wellness Holds Power

  3. Pingback: 14 Self-Care Ideas To Prevent Burnout For Nurses - Wellness Holds Power

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